Writing efficient Javascript : A few tips

Writing efficient Javascript : A few tips

The speed of an application does matter, whatever that application does. On the Web, you’ll find quite some post or answers that suggest you shouldn’t care anyhow about speed in the early stage : just wait for the application to work, then benchmark/profile it if it is slow. The argument being that a -possibly huge- amount of time could be lost in optimizing a part of the code that will not prove critical or, even worse, get discarded.

I quite agree, yet i think there’s even a better advice to give : only write fast code, and your application will be fast.

My point here is that there are a whole set of good habits specific to javascript that you can get when writing Javascript, that do NOT take longer to write, and that will not also make your code run faster… but also make it easier to read, debug, maintain.
Best example of such habit is to cache a repeated computation into a var : it will run faster, require less typing / less reading, and when hovering your mouse over the var in your debugger, you can check the cached value at once when debugging…

I’ll try here to explain such a few habits i’ve taken over time to write fast code right from the start. Admittedly, before it becomes an habit, it might take you more time to code that way than just like you’re used to. But hopefully that cost will drop and since most of the time you’ll end time typing less, you’ll code faster… faster code.

Obviously, even with those good habits, you’ll encounter issues where your whole algorithm has to be changed to speed things up. I won’t cover that ‘big picture’ here. But was is specific about Javascript is that it is both a interpreted AND a compiled language, and wether the JIT (Just In Time compiler) triggered or not, Javascript has a high overhead, so one has to deal with great care with the ‘details’ : i’ve seen more than once a 2X or 4X boost just by applying a super-simple rule. On the other hand, compiled languages’s compilers are so smart than it is hard to outsmart them with simple rules.

Hopefully with some practice most of those rules will become just the way you write code, for instance, i did quite ‘forgot’, with time, that Javascript was not a typed language : now i’m sometime surprised to read some code which uses a single var to hold differently typed values, my first thought being that it won’t work… then i remember Javascript is not typed : it will work… just slower.

Here are the few guidelines i ended with.
In fact i have more advices, so more to come in case you show some interest in all this !

• Make types obvious.
• Types Again : Choose the right one
• Do not create garbage.
• Cache, cache, cache !
• Misc tips

A) Care about Types : make Types obvious.

Wether your code will be interpreted or compiled, you have to deal with types to write efficient Javascript. When interpreted, using the ‘smallest’ type and not changing it will simplify the engine’s work (which can ‘flag’ a property as being an integer, for instance). When compiled, things gets more complicated : to produce machine code, the compiler has to bet on the types of the variables/array/Object properties/return values before compiling (using data from the first calls made).
So the conclusion is quite simple : since you can’t declare the types, you have to make them most obvious to guess for the Javascript engine.

Below i give some advices i’ve seen to prove very efficient, especially on Chrome and its V8 engine, but not only.

A1) Make Types Obvious – functions :

Avoid function taking differently typed parameters or returning differently typed ones.
In every function you write, every parameter should have one and only one type, and return type should always be the same. ( use consistent arguments and return types ).

So try to avoid :

   // compute a screen area with some numbers (float)
   var someArea = computeArea(30, 40);
   // compute a screen area with some figures relative to the screen size
   var anotherArea = computeArea("10%", "25%");

   function computeArea ( width_Integer_Or_String, height_Integer_Or_String) {
      width_Int_Or_String = parseFloat ( width_Int_Or_String    );
      height_Int_Or_String = parseFloat ( height_Int_Or_String  );

Rather build two functions :

   // compute a screen area with some ints
   var someArea = computeArea(30, 40);
   // compute a screen area with some figures relative to the screen size
   var anotherArea = computeRelativeArea(10, 25);

   // computes the area covered by the two (float) arguments.
   // float_width/float_height is  a float describing the area width/height in pixel. 
   // returns the area (float)
   function computeArea ( float_width, float_height) {

   // computes the area covered by the two (float) arguments.
   // float_width/float_height is  a float describing the relative area width/height in percent vs screen width/height  
   //  expl : 50.0 stands for half width.
   // returns the area (float)
   function computeRelativeArea( float_relative_width, float_relative_height) {
       return computeArea( float_relative_width * screenWidth / 100, float_relative_height * screenHeight / 100);

   // Rq ; This way to write those functions avoid the use of strings, and that 
   // computeRelativeArea will be a piece of cake to compile after computeArea is compiled.

You might not have the choice for your input arguments : in this case do write a ‘hub’ function that will redirect to other functions, each being strictly typed (and hence optimized by the engine).
Notice that a few engines (i’m sure for V8 and Chakra), do understand type checking, so for instance in this code :

     if (typeof someValue == 'number') {
          // here the engine knows someValue is a number.
     } else if (typeof someValue == 'string') {
          // here the engine knows someValue is a string.

A2 ) Make Types Obvious – var :

1) Never use the same var to hold differently typed values. It will not ‘save’ a variable, it will only confuse the engine. And anyway, it can only make your code clearer.

So no… :

    var foundIndex = 12;
    ... compute with a as an int ...
    a = 'answer is ' + a;   // NOPE !!!

But rather … :

    var a = 12;
    ... compute with a as an int ...
    var answer = 'answer is ' + a;   // YES !!!

The speed cost of switching type might be dramatic : i once saw some code which was using a var to store an item index (integer), or ‘null’ (not an integer) when the item was not found.
Just switching to the classic convention of ‘-1 means not found’, and hence using only integers, did speed up the algorithm by 4 !!!

2) Give a (possibly default) value having the right type as soon as you declare them.
This not only make the types obvious for the engine… but also for you.

So no more :

    var anInt, aFloat, myObject;
    ... compute things
    anInt = some int;
    ... compute things
    aFloat = some float ;
    myObject = some object;

But rather :

    var anInt=0, aFloat=0.0, myObject = null;
    // now types are obvious. 

Notice that even if the code never uses the default value, smart compilers won’t execute the first assignment, and will just understand it as a type hint.

A3) Make Types Obvious – class instance data properties

In the same way as with vars, you shouldn’t change the type of any object data property. Here again, this can only improve clarity for the reader or you.
And, just like for your vars, initialize the properties as you create them with, a default value of the right type.

But there are two more rules : Do not add properties on the fly on any object : You should have the habit, when adding a property at some point in your code, to add it also in the constructor.
In the same manner, never delete a property, rather set it to a falsy value (null/0), or if you really need this notify the value is not to be used, use a boolean to store the property status ( this.isWidthValid = false; ).

Remember that, if you need flexibility on the input (expl : for an object’s size an int would mean pixels, when a string like ‘30%’ would be relative to the screen size), you can still use getters to process the input on-the-fly and always store the value with the same type (in the example, as an integer).

     // example of a width getter / setter

     Object.defineProperty( MyClass.prototype, 'width', {
             enumerable : true,
             get : function()       { return this._width; } ,
             set : function (val () { if (typeof val == 'string') {  
                                                                      this._width = parseFloat(val)*screenWidth;  } 
                                      else if (typeof val == 'number' ) { 
                                                                      this._width = val; } }       }  );

     // Notice that width now uses a _width property
     // let's define it on the prototype as hidden to have it hidden on all instances :
     Object.defineProperty( MyClass.prototype, '_width', { enumerable : false, value : 0 });

     // don't forget to initialize _width in the constructor by setting this._width=0; !!!

A4) Make Types Obvious – leave your classes alone !

Since the JS Engine might attempt to build a C++ class behind the scene to compile parts of the code, it is very important, besides using ‘typed’ data properties, to keep the whole class methods unchanged once you’ve defined
Do not change methods of your class on-the-fly : after all, by deciding of the right function parameters and class properties, you shouldn’t need to change any method anyway. There are always some way to keep the flexibility you need while keeping your class ‘constant’.

In other words : what about pretending, when coding, that Javascript is a compiled language ?
The constructor and the prototype are a fixed class definition just like you can have in, say, C++.
No last-minute change.

Notice that you can have the engine check for you if you do change an instance by using Object.seal in the constructor / on the prototype.

A5) Advanced tip : Avoid using null.

This one is tougher, and applies only to special cases : When you are using null, you are only giving a small hint to the engine : it will be dealing with an Object (or a pointer, if you like).
So what about helping it for real and create a default instance of the class that you’ll use only for initialization/’declaration’ purposes ?

    function Rectangle ( x, y, w, h ) {
    Rectangle.default = new Rectangle( 0,0,0,0 );

later used with :

    var rect = Rectangle.default;
    for (var i=0; i < rectangleArray.length; i++) {
       rect = rectangleArray[i];
       // ... do something with rect

In fact, there’s a coding pattern that you might want to use where you don’t use null at all (your class is a non-nullable type) and make use such a particular instance, but the discussion about it is out of topic i fear.
(interesting post here : http://twistedoakstudios.com/blog/Post330_non-nullable-types-vs-c-fixing-the-billion-dollar-mistake)

In fact quite some engine would understand, in the example above, that rect is a Rectangle, but in fact i once saw a case where the engine could not guess the type.

It was somehow like :

    function computeSomething() {
       var someInstance = null;
       var instanceIsValid = false;
       if (Math.random() > 0.5) { // head or tail ?
          instanceIsValid = true;
          someInstance = new someClass();
       // ...
       // ... later ...
       if (instanceIsValid) {
           someInstance.someMethod(...); // But what is the type of someInstance ?

Using a default instance solved this issue, allowing a full optimization of the function. (which became way faster of course).

B) Types Again : Choose the right one

B1) Choose a cheap type for your vars / properties

int32 > double (IEE 754) > string > Map > (sealed) Class instance > dynamic object

To store the informations required for your application, always use the cheapest type possible.
In Javascript, int is incredibly cheaper than other types : Chrome’s V8 will ‘box’ 32 bits integer, and can use them with a very small overhead.
As soon as you are using double (64bits), you might have to load it, and other types have even higher overhead : go for the int !
String should be used only for user output, and quite nothing else : manipulating string is a highly inefficient manner of dealing with data and they create garbage.

So do NOT write

    if (this.direction == 'up') {
       // ... move up

but rather :

    // define this somewhere ....  
    var upDirection = 0, downDirection=1, ... ;
    // ... or as a class static property :
    Character.prototype.upDirection = 0;
    // ... or ... :
    Character.prototype.directions = { up : 0, right:1, ... };

    // then later...
    if (this.direction == upDirection)
    // or ...
    if (this.direction == this.upDirection)

A story about strings : to see how much using strings could cost, i once optimized a function that used ‘up’, ‘down’, ‘right’, ‘space’ and a few other strings to change a sprite direction or behavior in a game.
Result was that, by using integers instead of strings, 350kb of garbage per second were saved on Chrome.
Worth the deal i would say.

Rq that to use integers and still keep a clean code, you can use an ‘enum’ built with an object literal :

    // in a var or in a 'static' prototype property
    var petType = {
       none : 0,
       dog : 1,
       cat : 2,
       wombat : 3,
       unicorn : 4       

Rq also that not using strings will allow better minification of your code, hence reduce the page loading time.

B2) Collections : Use a cheap Collection type

Typed Array > Array > Map > Object > Whatever data structure ( tree… )

Just like with single values, you can win a great deal of speed by choosing, from the start, a cheap data structure. The cheapest is an array. when you’ve chosen the structure, have it hold the cheapest type that you can.

Tips for Arrays :
pre-allocate arrays if you know they’re gonna be big.

    var myArray = new Array(100000);

Whenever it makes sense, create an array by using slice() on an existing array, then replacing values : this way you allocate only once and the engine is aware of the type.
Do not use mixed type arrays. If you somehow need to, either create a container class, or use several arrays in parallel.
Rq that obviously you should avoid sparse arrays. Use null if you need to, but do not keep undefined values : they will only raise your chances of a slower processing.
(so if you create your array with new Array(100); just do a for loop to fill it right after. Same goes if you enlarge your array by increasing its length.)

Trees (bsp trees, quad-trees, …), Heaps, …, while very nice on the paper, behaves poorly when implemented in Javascript : not only each step through the tree take a pointer indirection, but also a type check. One has to be sure, especially when dealing with small collections, that this overhead will not kill the savings that could shown with a big collection. Yet in some cases they prove very useful… Beware of the benchmarks that shows how fast is some super solution is with 100.000 elements when you’re gonna use it with 200 elements…

B3) Avoid using boolean properties.

When using a boolean property within a class, the engine has only two bad choices : either use a byte to store it, and un-align all data after-wise, or use 32 bits (or 64), and waste memory space.
So ask yourself if you can’t choose another way around.
If you are using a boolean to flag, say, an object as ‘dirty’, meaning it will later have to be processed, not only you are using a boolean, but you are doubling the work to be done, since later you’ll have to iterate through objects to see which one is dirty : a better solution is to directly push this object into a dirtyObjects array that you’ll later process.

Most often, a boolean is a weak information that you can easily improve : compare for instance a isThereSuchAnObject method (that returns a boolean) with either indexOfSuchObject (that returns index or -1) or getMeFirstSuchObject (that returns an object or null). No wonder that either two last methods will prove more useful in the long run : at design time consider that a function only returning a bool as suspect.

Advanced tips, for the one fluent with binary operators : If you are using several flags, pack them all within a single integer, and use a mask and AND (&) or OR (|) operators to read/write the relevant flag.
Small example :

    // (halloween) MASKS
    var IS_WEIRD   = 1 << 0;
    var IS_TREAT   = 1 << 1;
    var IS_TRICK   = 1 << 2;
    var IS_UNDEAD  = 1 << 3;
    var IS_GHOST   = 1 << 4;
    // use of masks;
    var someObject      = ... ;
    // test if the object is weird
    var isObjectWeird   = someObject.flags & IS_WEIRD;
    // now make the object undead
    someObject.flags = someObject.flags | IS_UNDEAD;
    // now make the object not weird
    someObject.flags =  someObject.flags & (!IS_WEIRD);

B4 ) Use the wonderful types HTML5/ES6 offers.
Well this one depends on your target platform. But you target Desktop, meaning Chrome or Firefox, this is a no-brainer : you should use the wonderful new types of html5 :

Typed Arrays, Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet, Blob, Symbol, Proxy : be creative !

a Map will be faster when used as a Hashtable than an object {}. And you can use an object as key, which allows to easily code powerful features.

a Set can be a wonderful class to help you count objects, or way faster than indexOf if you only want to know if some item is there (… and faster than any implementation of a Set you could write yourself…).

WeakMap and WeakSet allows you not to care about some clean-up operations you might otherwise have to do when you stop using some object. So faster again. And cleaner code. You can also easily create ancillary data with neither a risk of memory leak nor the cost of breaking an existing class by changing it live.

Blob isn’t that new, but is widely supported now, so do not use toDataUrl any more, but rather toBlob, way faster. And you can use your blobs in web workers to compute things in the background without slowing your application !!

If you wonder about the support of a feature, have a look here :
or here :

C) Do not create garbage

Writing fast code also requires you to avoid creating garbage. Javascript has that convenient way of disposing of the unused objects for you, but that comes with a huge cost : from time to time, the engine has to go to a full stop that can last up to a few milliseconds, which might very well result in a frame miss or more generally a bad user experience. Even a super-fast code can be killed by the evil garbage collector having to dispose too many objects.
Another reason not to create garbage is that creating object has an important cost : the memory allocation.
Keep also in mind that successive allocation/disposal of objects will fragment the memory, leading to a mandatory garbage collection that can require way more memory moves than just the objects size would let you believe.

As a side comment, notice all garbage collectors do not behave the same : Chrome is the best, that can do a light pass or a full pass depending on an estimation of the time left (!sweet!), when Firefox does its g.c. often, … and often creates a frame miss : that’s why so many video games offers a poor experience on Firefox.

Whatever the browser, the lower the garbage, the better, and you can target 0 object creation in most of your frames with little efforts. However, you can’t target 0 garbage creation since function calls (amongst other mandatory operations) will create ‘system’ garbage that will have to be recollected later.

C1) Do not create garbage – Re-use your objects

You might need some temporary object ( [], {}, Map, some class instance, …) to compute something, that you’ll throw away afterwise. In this case, most likely you don’t need to create such a new object on each function call : store it once and re-use it (maybe clearing some values each time), so you avoid to create garbage and summon the evil garbage collector.

An array is cleared with someArray.length = 0, for instance.
For hash-maps ({}), use a default falsy value.
For instance methods, you might want to add a reset() method. Remember, however, that the constructor function is… a function, that you might call to reset an object :

    function Point(x,y) {
       this.x = x;
       this.y = y;

    var somePoint = new Point(12, 45);
    // Now i can use the cttor again to change the values :    
    Point.call(somePoint, 42, 42);

A few remarks about re-use :
• Pooling is a way to handle re-use nicely. I wrote an article about it that might interest you :
• The benefit might not show easily in benchmarks since you’ll trade the cost of the reset against a less probable G.C. Since a G.C. occurs quite randomly, and during a G.C. the engine is paused, you just can’t measure any very relevant time…
• … Still you can use, in the developer tools, the graph showing the memory use. G.C.s can be noticed by a vertical drop in memory use. You might be surprised how much a small ‘hunt’ for object creation in your code can cool down the G.C. rate.
• Readability is worsen by this trick : As a naming convention, i do use __ as a prefix for the name of those optimisation variables. Yet you have to store them on the class, and reload them into a var before use. Somehow verbose and puzzling.
• There is a trade-off time vs memory strain. The cost of reset, if too expensive, might overweight the gain in G.C..
• Because of all this, re-use objects only if it’s easy : put a comment to flag that an optimization could be done here otherwise, to avoid starting an early (evilish!) optimization.

C2) Do not create garbage – Do not write or call functions with too much parameters.

Yes, arity (==argument count) does affect memory !
When calling a function, especially in strict mode, some work has to be done and some memory/heap used : keep the number of arguments low (<4) or you’ll summon the evil garbage collector too often.
Again here, with speed boost and memory savings comes clarity / ease of maintenance / debugging / …

Let’s see an example : the real example of the 9 arguments drawImage function of the canvas :


Wow !! unreadable. Imagine now that Rectangle was a default type in JS (…). We could have the following function signature :

     context.drawImage(img, srcRect, dstRect);

Better, no ???
(Anyone preferring the 9 arguments version should call his/her doctor right now. 🙂 )

So here the idea is that if a function or method has too many arguments, maybe you missed something (do you need such flexibility ?), or maybe it’s time to create a container class (Rectangle in the above case), that most likely will prove useful to clean up your code.

C3) goto D3;

D) Cache, cache, cache !!!

D1) Cache your expressions

I’m always surprised to see, in Stack Overflow questions for instance, code such as this one :

     for (var i = 0; i < someObject.anArray.length ; i++) {          if (someObject.anArray[i].point.x > someObject.anArray.point.y) {
            someFunction( someObject.anArray[i].point );

It *should* hurt one’s eye to see such redundancy. Every time in the loop you’ll have several pointer indirection , and the JS Engine might very well not be able to see that the objects/properties are constant. So much time loss.

Here again, coding with performance in mind matches with clearer/neater/… way of coding. Rule is to cache everything you’re going to use again into a local var. **Everything**.

Let’s see the cached version :

     var pointArray = someObject.anArray, thisPoint=null;
     for (var i = 0; i < pointArray.length ; i++) {          thisPoint = anArray[i];          if ( thisPoint.x > thisPoint.y ) {
            someFunction( thisPoint) ;


So every time you write an indirection (something.someProp) for the second time, create a var and re-use it.

D2) Get things out of the loop

It’s quite the same idea as caching : any time you see the same expression computed/loaded again and again in a loop, just compute it/load it in a var once before the loop.

A small example might be a conversion from degrees to radian of an array :

    var degToRad = Math.PI/180;  // computed once
    for (var i=0; i<angleArray.length; i++) angleArray[i]*=degToRad;

D3) Cache your function calls

Something quite specific to Javascript is the closures that you can create easily with it. One more efficient way of creating such a closure is to use Function.bind to create a new function that has a given ‘this’, and possibly some arguments already set. If you are to use a function with the same this/and/or arguments again and again, you *might* want to bind a function to the fixed arguments to get things done faster : not only you create less garbage since you’ll later call with less arguments, but also the type checking will only happen once (when binding), saving even further time on each call.

so imagine you want to draw some tiles on the screen. The ‘naive’ way would go :

    for (loop on X) {
        for ( loop on Y) {
            var tile = tile at X, Y;
            context2D.drawImage( tilesetImage, tile.x, tile.y, tile.w, tile.h, X, Y );

now each tile will have the same location (x,y,w,h) on the tile image, the tile image won’t
change, and the context2D won’t change either : you can create a drawer function for each
tile with

    // in the constructor of the Tile object
    this.drawAt = context2D.drawImage.bind(context2D, someTile.x, someTile.y, someTile.w, someTile.h);

You can use later with :

    for (loop on X) {
        for ( loop on Y) {
            var tile = tile at X, Y;

Notice, once again, that readability improved along the way.

Yet bind comes with a cost : it is a new object creation, which implies overhead, allocation, and maybe garbage collection. So use it only if the benefit is obvious and the writing is easy, otherwise keep that advice for ‘late’ optimizations (the ones that you do after seeing an issue / benchmarking ).

E) Misc

E1 ) Order your conditionals

Here we’re talking about a small effort providing a small benefit.
When you have a conditional, take just one second to think about the most probable case, and put it first. This way you won’t have any branching, saving a few CPU cycles.

   function giveMe5() {
     if (Math.random() < 0.95) {
        return 5;  // return 5 most of the time, give 5 with no branching
     } else {
        return 0;  // sometimes you don't want to give 5.

E2 ) Exit soon and explicitly

There are quite a few functions you’ll write that have obvious cases, handle first the easy cases with a clear return statement instead of writing a few if/else that will make the code harder to understand.
Notice that this rule might collides with the ‘order your conditionals’ rule, you’ll have to think of the benefits of returning early vs not branching. Benefits are little, in doubt prefer a nicer code.

E3 ) Class properties and methods : Order your properties and methods, keep their count low.

This one is also an easy save, order the properties of your class by ascending frequency of use : the first properties are faster to access. And use a low count of properties/methods : the lookup time will go down on every use.

There’s also a benefit for code clarity : the most used are most likely also the most important.
And if a Class is starting to have a lot of properties, it’s anyway probably the time to use composition other inheritance, or to split things up.

Think about a DOM object for instance, imagine the mess that would result from having all the properties that are exposed through the `style` property directly defined on the class itself !

Another idea is that if you need some rarely used properties, do not hesitate to store them all in a single object – the DOM style is again a good example : unless there’s a reflow and a need to re-compute the DOM object position, the style won’t be used. Benefit in both clarity and look-up access time.

E4) Use strict mode.

Strict mode allows the engine to live with a far less messy version of Javascript, that
allows quite some optimizations to be performed easier. I won’t argue much here : just “use strict”; 😉

E5) Warm-up your functions.

If (and only if) you are sure some function will be called numerous times and will ‘stand in the way’, you can trigger the JIT by calling it 50 times before really launching the application. This way you won’t have that little slow down that shows when the engine freezes to optimize some code during the first frames. Yes, i am thinking about html5 games here.

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How to defer or postpone execution of some Javascript code

— Just a small tip i’d like to share with you —

The issue :

Since Javascript is single threaded, during the execution of a piece of code :
• Changes to the DOM won’t show.
• Event handlers won’t trigger (mouse, keyboard, network, …).
• Drawings made on the canvas won’t show.
This can be annoying for a long computation, for which you’ll most probably want to see the ongoing progress, and also want the user to be able to cancel the operation.
You might also want to postpone / defer the execution of some code after every operation ended, if – for instance – you are sorting all your sorted list after every insertions/deletion operations occurred. No need to create a new (and most likely complex) control path, you just have to say ‘do this after you finished the rest’.

The common – and wrong -solution : setTimout.

A common way to solve this issue is to split your computation into smaller batches, and use a setTimeout(resumeCompute, 0) when one batch is done, to trigger the next execution while allowing the Browser to ‘breathe’, that is update the DOM and listen to events.

While seducing enough (and working), reading the specifications of setTimeout reminds us that we have no guaranty on when using a Zero delay setTimeout will trigger at once. Latest (late 2015) browsers will actually trigger the call 5 milliseconds later  (So yes 0 == 5, another javascript oddity 🙂 ), and depending on your software constraints, it might be a BIG issue (video games have a 16.6ms time frame, 5 ms is just too much).

The real solution : postMessage.

postMessage is meant to allow communication in between frames of the same web page. It is handled through the common event system, and thus a call to postMessage will act as triggering an event that will pile on the event queue, that, later, when the javascript engine finished its work, will be dispatched on any listener.
So you probably got the trick already : if we send a message to ourselves, we have a way to postpone / delay / defer the execution of whatever code after current call stack returned !!!

The code is very simple for a single task that you’d like to segment into chunks :

window.addEventListener('postMessage', resumeTheExecution);

Used with


But you might want some flexibility, so, by using the mighty new Map object, we can build a postpone function that will act even more simply as a 0 setTimeout call.
So the use will be like :


The code for postpone :

var postpone = (function () {
     var fnMap = new Map(), idMap = new Map(), fnId = 0;
     var msg = { fnId: 0 };
     function _postpone(fn) {
          if (!fnMap[fn]) {
                            fnMap[fn] = fnId;
                            idMap[fnId] = fn;
           msg.fnId = fnMap[fn];
           postMessage(msg, '*');
 function _postponeListener(e) {
     var fnId = e.data.fnId;
     if (fnId) idMap[fnId]();
 window.addEventListener("message", _postponeListener);
 return _postpone;


I did a JSFiddle to check the 5 milliseconds issue, and in deed measures shows that a setTimeout doesn’t trigger at once on Firefox and Chrome.
I used the Monte Carlo method to compute PI, and this is quite a long job to get even a 10 digits precision : With postMessage, we can see the progress that gets drawn live on the canvas, and also stop the computation at any time by just pressing a key : way better than to wait in front of a frozen Browser.


Some Figures :
Time to compute 10.000 batches of 1000 point for the monte carlo method.
//  Display On
Chrome 46  :    postMessage : 22 seconds   setTimeout 76 seconds
Firefox 42   :     postMessage : 17 seconds   setTimeout 65 seconds
// Display Off
Chrome 46  :    postMessage : 1.3 seconds   setTimeout 55 seconds
Firefox 42   :     postMessage : 0.6 seconds   setTimeout 46 seconds

We can clearly see the overhead of setTimeout for each postponed call, which is around 5 ms, that obviously shows even more when processing time is shorter.

That’s quite all about this topic, hope you enjoyed the read, do comment if you want to !

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An Intuitive Description of Runge-Kutta Integration

An Intuitive Description of Runge-Kutta Integration.

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Painting with The HTML5 Canvas : A small presentation.

Painting with The HTML5 Canvas :A small presentation.

What is a Canvas ?

Think of your HTML5 canvas as a simple drawing surface that provides some powerful drawing tools. This canvas
might be used on an html page for immediate display, but also behind-the-scene to prepare some graphics for later use.
The drawing tools are provided through a Context, and most web Browsers offers two (exlusive) ways to draw
on a Canvas : WebGL and the Context2D.
WebGL is a very efficient but also very complex context, meant for demanding 2D or 3D graphics.
This presentation will focus on Context2D, a context meant for 2D drawing only, way simpler than webGL , and
powerful enough for most drawing tasks .
Boiler Plate Code to get a Context2D in Javascript :
In your Html file, add a canvas, give him a size (width, height), in pixels, and an id :

<canvas width=640 height=480 id='myCanvas'> </canvas >
// do not copy paste this html code but re-write it (issue with the < @gt; and html)

Then in your Javascript script, retrieve the HTML5 canvas element, and get its context2D with :

var myCanvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
var context = myCanvas.getContext('2d');

The drawing tools will either A) change the setting of the canvas or B) change the color value of some pixels : let’s
take a simple example and draw a red rectangle :

context.fillStyle = 'red'; // let's use red a filling color
context.fillRect(100, 100, 80, 40); // drawing a (red) rectangle starting at (100,100) sized (80, 40)

What a Canvas is NOT !

There’s a common misunderstanding of the canvas, especially from the ones having a strong Html background, that is
to see the canvas as a classical html container, just like, say, a
div, in which you would basically add/remove some
visual elements in pretty much the same way you do it in regular hmtl.
But this is completely wrong : when you draw, you actually only change the values of some pixels within your
graphic card, and that’s all. No ‘scene graph’ is built, meaning the canvas has no memory of what happened before : you
cannot query a previously inserted element to change it, remove it, make it draggable, or what-not.
Hence any logic that goes beyond drawing, must be done by yourself (or by an external library of course).
Rq : Those who likes to build scene as a way of drawing (building step-by-step some queriable objects) should have
a look either at an canvas helper library (createJS, fabricJS, … ) or have a look at the SVG format/Object.

Mind the current status

Using the Context2D is always done in two steps : you 1) first setup the (fill or stroke) color, the width of the line, the font when
dealing with text, and any paramaters then 2) you draw a figure.
When you draw (fill or stroke), the current settings values at that point of time will get applied.
Let’s look again at the red rectangle example, that we’ll visually improve a bit by adding a shadow :

context.fillStyle = 'red'; // let's use red a filling color
context.shadowColor = 'black'; // shadows will be black
context.shadowOffsetX = 10;
context.shadowOffsetY = 10; // shadow will be drawn (10,10) below the geometry
context.fillRect(100, 100, 80, 40); // drawing a (red and shadowed) rectangle starting at 100,100

You should notice here that the final draw call (fillRect) did not change : what did change is the status of the context by
the time of that call -here it is set to : red fill and black shadow.
Principle is that all the changes you make to your context are ‘sticky’ – remains active until you discard them – which is
why the Context2D is called a ‘state machine’ -a machine that internaly handle some state variables for you-.
!! it can lead to tricky bugs if you don’t keep this idea always close to your mind. !!
Now you may wonder how you’ll keep some order in your drawing code : what if i want to draw one thing with a shadow,
and another with no shadow ?
Hopefully we have a life-saver here, which is the save/restore principle : let’s see it in action :

context.save(); // save all status variables here
context.fillStyle = 'red'; // let's use red a filling color
context.shadowColor = 'black'; // shadows will be black
context.shadowOffsetX = 10;
context.shadowOffsetY = 10; // shadow will be drawn (10,10) below the geometry
context.fillRect(100, 100, 80, 40); // drawing a (red and shadowed) rectangle starting at 100,100
context.restore(); // !!! restore all status variables as in the last save()

Here, after that code has run, we have a red shadowed rectangle drawn, and the current status of the context is exactly
what it was before (not red – no shadow).
Any time you wonder if a change you make to the context will affect other drawings you make, do
not wonder a second, and save (before) / restore (after), so you can be sure no specific settings will be applied on
other objects.

Two ways to draw

The Context2D offers two ways of drawing :
• Some drawing commands are immediate, meaning they will use the current status of the context to immediately
change the pixel colors . They are used for most common simple cases (see the above fillRect example).
• Some drawing commands are retained : they do not affect the pixels until you perform a stroke() or a fill(). They
are used in more complex cases, when drawing shapes built out of bezier curves, lines, …

Draw directly

The immediate commands of the Context2D are :
• fillRect / strokeRect : draws either the (filled) rect or just its outline.
• fillText / strokeText : draws either the text or just the text outline.
• clearRect : erase a part of the canvas.
• drawImage : used to draw an (or part of an) Image or canvas on current canvas.
• createImageData / getImageData / putImageData : (advanced) used to get/set the raw values of pixels.
• toDataURL : used to create an Image out of the Canvas.

Draw complex figures

The Context2D also offers some ‘retained’ commands that allows to draw more complex geometry. You can build
those geometry out of : lines, rect, arc (= part of circles), bezier curves, quadratic bezier curves, and arcTo.
The key thing to remember here is that you should always start a retained draw by beginPath, then build your
geometry step by step. Rq that nothing is drawn until you choose to stroke the outline or fill the whole geometry. You can
use closePath to automatcally link (by a line) the last point and the first point of the geometry.
You remember Context2D is a state machine, right ? So think of this way of drawing just like you woud do with a pen, which
‘remebers’ where it stands. Questions are : Where is the pen right now ? Where do i go from there ?
Here are the various retained commands of the Context2D :
• beginPath : start a new path. required for every new draw.
• closePath : Links the last built point to the first point by a line. Only if you need it.
• moveTo : unlift the pen, then set it at the provided point.
• lineTo : links last point to the provided point by a line.
• rect : adds a rect path to the current path. ! Rq that it does not draw immediatley like fillRect or strokeRect !
• arc : adds a (part of) circle to the current path.
• bezierCurveTo, quadraticCurveTo, arcTo : adds the corresponding mathematical curve to the path. All those curves
have a ‘smooth’ aspect.
A small example, a blue triangle :

context.beginPath(); // Start a new path ( == get rid of previous path)
context.moveTo( 80, 40 ); // move the pen at ( 80, 40)
context.lineTo( 140, 120 ); // line to (140, 120)
context.lineTo( 20, 120 ) ; // (horizontal) line to (20, 120 )
context.closePath(); // close the path --> line to (80, 40)
// notice nothing is drawn yet at that point
context.strokeStyle = '#FF6600' ; // stroke in red. Use a colorpicker to find the value you want.
context.lineWidth = 4 ; // use a 4 pixel width line
context.fillStyle = '#AAAAFF'; // fill in blue
context.fill(); // fill the current path (= the triangle)
context.stroke(); // stroke the triangle outline

Let’s fill those geometry nicely

You might stroke or fill with a single color, sure. To define a color, you have various ways :
• an html color string : ‘yellow’, ‘red’, …
• a rgb string : ‘rgb( 23, 150, 80)’
• a hsl string ‘hsl( 39, 75%, 75%)’ . Hsl is very handy to quickly create a coeherent palette.
• an hexa rgb string : ‘#FFE118’. This is the fastest way, if performances matters.
You can use a color picker (online or from your graphic editor) to find the right color.

BUT what about pouring even more colors ? The canvas provide two gradients for your viewing pleasure : a linear
gradient, and a radial one. To build a gradient, you must choose the part of the screen you’ll paint, then you define some
‘color stops’ : the color steps by which the gradient goes.

var grayFade = context.createLinearGradient(10,10,100,100); // create a gradient from (10,10) to (100,100)
grayFade.addColorStop(0 , 'rgb(100, 100, 100)'); // starting at drak gray
grayFade.addColorStop(0.3, 'rgb(180, 180, 180)'); // quickly becoming brighter
grayFade.addColorStop(1.0, 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'); // then fade to white
// in use :
context.fillStyle = grayFade;

BUT you can also use some kind of (simple) texturing, and have a pattern repeated with the createPattern method. Very usefull
to build a wall out of a brick photo. Notice that the pattern might be built out of a canvas, so you can build a small off-screen
canvas, draw one star on it with various colors on it, then create a pattern out of that canvas and fill the on-screen canvas with
that pattern !

Transform / Clip / Go Composite

Well now you drew some nice things using lines, bezier curves, and such, but you’d like to draw all this twice as big : how ?
Hopefully you have transforms just for that : you can translate, scale, rotate your context at any time to re-use some
drawing code in another way and do some nice effects. Mind that rotation angle is in radian, not degrees.
A small example :

context.save(); // preserve the context
context.translate(canvas.width/2, canvas.height/2); // translate to the middle of the canvas
context.rotate( Math.PI / 3 ); // let's rotate a bit
context.scale(3, 3); // let's scale by a factor 3 (on both x and y)
context.fillStyle = 'red'; // let's use red a filling color
context.fillRect(0, 0, 40, 40); // drawing a (red) rectangle starting at (0,0) sized (40, 40)
// in fact, the rect will be drawn
// in the middle of the screen, rotated, and with a (120, 120) size
context.restore(); // restore context as before -no more transforms-

Another powerful feature is the globalCompositeOperation modes. They allow to change the way pixels are drawn, on a
per-pixel basis. You can use it for doing advanced masking with bitmaps. Use scenario are very specific, but they are very
quickly performed by most browsers. Notice that you can also define a blend mode, that will allow to do nice effects on colors
(the kind of effects high-end drawing software provide)
A scheme of the various composite modes is here :
It shows the output of drawing a new circle on an existing rect.

Last powerful feature is the clipping. You can define a part of the screen that will be the only part affected by all later drawings.
To define it, just create a path that defines the preserved area, and call clip ! Then do your drawings as usual.
You’ll most likely want to save/restore to avoid the clipping to remain permanent.
Small example :

context.save(); // save context
context.beginPath(); // new Path
context.arc(50,50, 30, 0, 6.28 ); // circle at (50,50)
context.clip(); // now we are clipped
context.fillRect(50, 50, 30, 30); // draw a rect : it will have rounded borders


This page is useful for quick reference about Context2D methods / properties ::
Complete official reference for the Context2D : a bit harsh, but always true :
This is a long read, but this is a complete tutorial, very useful for graphic coding beginners
A quick cheat sheet for the Context2D :

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Javscript : A documentation pattern

documentation in Javascript

Javascript does not provide a built-in documentation tool : When one is searching for informations on how to use a class, a method or a property, he will have to dive into the code to find the relevant comments, which is time-consumming and might lead programmers to read the code rather than the documentation, thus favor implementation for specification and write code only compliant with the current version of the API. Another issue here is that if an API is provided minified, the documentation will be removed.

Another option is to use an online documentation site. Such documentation site can be generated automatically, with YUIDoc for instance. The issue here is that the help is not tied to the code, but rather an independant  web site.

A pattern for functions.

Let me suggest a pattern i found usefull, that allows :

– keep the code and its help together.
– easy to use.
– standard.
– resistant to minification.

This way you can provide help even with a minified version of your API, meaning you share the functionnality but not the code : your secrets are safe ( 🙂 ).
The idea is to take advantage of the lexical scope of a nammed function declaration, and that a function is an object to write.
Help is a string that is defined on the function object prior to its definition. This way you can read it when browsing the code.
But more importantly, you can have a description of the function in the console by typing functionName.help .

One simple example :

'print all the figures in the range ',
' arguments : start : starting figure (integer) ',
' end : ending figure (integer ) ',
' throws : invalidArgument exeception  ' ,
'   if start, end are not ordered integers. ' ].join('\n');

function printFigures(start, end) {
   // check arguments
   if ((start != ( 0 | start ) )
          ||(end != ( 0 | end ) )
             ||( start>end))
   throw ('printFigures invalidArgument : start and end must be two integers with start < end. (start :' + start + ' ; end :' + end + ' ).');
   // print figures
   for (var i=start; i<end; i++) {

Now if you type in the console :


you’ll get :

print all the figures in the range
arguments : start : starting figure (integer)
end : ending figure (integer )
throws : invalidArgument execption if start, end are not ordered integers. 

The documentation pattern applied on Classes

For Classes, the pattern is a bit different : the class and class properties will
be explained in the Class function, and a little (simple) processing is needed to
hook the help on each methods :

'Rect. Class. defines a colored rectangle. ',
' constructor arguments : ',
' left, top, width, height : numbers with obvious meaning.',
' color default to white.',
' properties : ',
' left, top, width, height, color : obvious meaning.',
' throws : no check performed.' ].join('\n');

function Rect(left, top, width, height, color) {
  this.left = left ;
  this.top = top;
  this.width = width;
  this.height = height;
  this.color = color || '#FFF' ;

var rectPrototype = {
  drawHelp : [ 'draw : draws the rectangle on the provided context.',
               ' arguments : ctx is a valid Contxt2d ' ].join('\n'),
  draw : function (ctx ) { 
            ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
            ctx.fillRect(this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height);
  isWithinHelp : [ 'isWithin : returns wether provided coordinates lies within the rect ',
                   ' arguments : x,y are coordinates of the point to test against' ].join('\n'),
  isWithin : function(x,y) {
               x -= this.left;
               y -= this.top;
               return x >= 0 && x <= this.width && y >= 0 && y <= this.height ;

helpMerge(rectPrototype, Rect );

After writing this code, you can type in the console


to get :

Rect. Class. defines a colored rectangle.
constructor arguments :
left, top, width, height : numbers with obvious meaning.
color default to white.
properties :
left, top, width, height, color : obvious meaning.
throws : no check performed.

Just type ClassName.methodName.help to get the method help.
(most consoles (like FireBug) have autocomplete that will give you the list of all
just type :


to get :

 isWithin : returns wether provided coordinates lies within the rect
arguments : x,y are coordinates of the point to test against

The code to merge a prototype description containing help with a
Class is this one :

 function helpMerge ( sourceObject, destinationClass ) {
    for (var prop in sourceObject) {
         var thisPropValue = sourceObject [prop] ;
         // skip help strings
         if (prop.match("Help$")) continue ; 
         destinationClass.prototype[prop] = sourceObject[prop];
         // method with help ? setup the help on the method, and add the method to the class function
         if ( (typeof (thisPropValue) == 'function') 
                    && (sourceObject[prop + 'Help']) ) {
                  thisPropValue.help = sourceObject[prop + 'Help'];
                  destinationClass[prop] = thisPropValue ;


The proposal i make here is still uncomplete : for instance, properties defined on the prototype can’t provide
for any help.
But the main idea seems interesting : with this pattern, accessing the documentation of an API -even if
it was minified- is just as simple as typing in the console ClassName.help or className.method.help. No need to have the code,
no need to browse the code or an online documentation. The programming experience gets closer to the one we can have with
high level languages/editors.

Let me know if it triggers some thoughts, do not hesitate to comment, and happy coding !

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No more garbage : Pooling objects built with constructor functions – verbose version –

Why creating an object creates an issue.

We all know about the evil garbage collector of Javascript, a cruel monster that might at any moment freeze your game to recollect unused memory, and waste some frames or loose some inputs events, spoiling the game experience.
The fight against garbage creation must be led on several fronts : I’ll adress here the specific case of object creation using a constructor function, and in this article, i’ll present a way to recycle those object in a simple manner.

For those who likes to know the end of the movie before it starts : The simple and classical pattern i expose here leads to X2 to X5 performance boost, and reduces game freeze.

You can find the code of this article here :

https://github.com/gamealchemist/Javascript-Pooling/tree/master/True_JS_Classes )

Objects Built with a constructor function

Using  a constructor function looks like :

var MyClass = function (param1, param2, ...) {
    this.prop  = param1;
    this.prop2 = param2;

MyClass.prototype.method1 = function(..) { ... };

var myObject = new MyClass(param1, param2, ...);

For the creation of myObject, the memory system is used three times :

  1. using the new operator is equivalent, in Javascript, to create a new object : {}, and assigning it to the ‘this’ of the constructor function.
  2. The constructor function (MyClass) will then perform intialisation and add some properties to the object. Memory will again be allocated for those properties.
  3. When the object is no longer in use (‘goes out of scope’), its memory it is not recollected at once : rather it is marked for recollection, hence feeding the evil garbage collector. When, at some random point in time, memory is lacking, a large amount of memory is reclaimed all at once : garbage collection occurs, freezing the game for up to 10ms – a disaster-.

Let us see a very simple example :

// in the init of the game...
var someBadGuy = new BadGuy() ;

// later on during a fight...
if ( Hero.strength > someBadGuy.strength ) {
   someBadGuy = new BadGuy(); //create a new enemy to fight against

Here, when we create a second bad guy after defeating the first one, we overwrite the reference to the first guy  (someBadGuy= new BadGuy()), so we have no more reference to the first guy : We created garbage.
Hence the first guy object is marked to be later recollected : this simple code is allready exhibiting a potential issue (in fact it created a performance issue in the future).

The performance hit due to object depends on two factors : the frequency of creation/disposal of objects, and the size of those objects.
Some sensitive cases might be :

  • Frantic games (no, i’m not talking about Super Crate Box 🙂 )
  • Games using a particle engine (for explosions, rainbows, …).
  • Games using 2D/3D physic engine(hence vectors computations).

But even in a slow-paced game, the recollection will randomly occur and make your character sometimes react oddly to, say, keystrokes, and hinder player’s experience.

Another thing worth noticing : Some (most?) game frameworks generates quite some garbage only to handle mouse moves or key strokes, and/or to handle object collisions, and/or use a class system that makes any class instance -even for simple classes- use quite some memory.
So before you even started to put some action, you can rest assured that the garbage collector will score in your game.
Still, this is not a reason to quit the fight.

The solution : let’s go to the pool

There is a much neater way to handle your objects : use a pool.

A pool is a stack of object that you put aside for your game :

  • When a new object is required, just take it from the pool then initialize it.
  • When you no longer use your object, throw it back in the pool.
  • If you need an object and the pool is empty, then -too bad- just use standard new() to get a new one.

So allocations happens less frequently, and recollection never happens (during the game).
Even better : if you determine the maximum number of objects your game might use, you can even pre-fill your pool with this number of objects, and you’ll never have to create or wait for recollection for this object.

How nice !

So how do we implement this in Javascript ?

Preliminary remark : I’ll make use here of ‘true’ Javascript ‘classes’,
i.e. classes :

  • setting properties in the constructor.
  • defining methods on the prototype.

This is the fastest and most memory efficient way to create objects in JS, and objects created this way also have the best performances.

Second remark : I won’t adress how to handle pooling with any of the many class library available for JS (like JQuery’s class system).

So here’s a (very simple) example of such a true JS class :

var BadGuy = function(posX, posY, gun, ammo) {
      this.posX   = posX  ;  this.posY   = posY  ;
      this.speedX = 10    ;  this.speedY = 0     ;
      this.gun    = gun   ;  this.ammo   = ammo  ;
      this.isAlive  = true  ;

BadGuy.prototype.move = function(dt) {
      this.posX += this.speedX * dt;
      this.posY += this.speedY * dt;

BadGuy.prototype.canShoot = function() {       
       return (this.ammo != 0);

(yes, very simple 🙂 )
And you use it with :

// create a new bad guy like this :
var myBadGuy = new BadGuy( 100, 10, 'AK47', 100);

// later on you can use it like this  :
if (myBadGuy.isAlive && myBadGuy.canShoot()) {
      Hero.runAwayShouting('please do not use your '
                                  + myBadGuy.gun +' on me !!');

So now let’s get back to pooling : the thing you have to change to a true JS constructor function to enable pooling is to handle a call with no arguments and make sure you setup your object just like a brand new one within the constructor :

var BadGuy = function(posX, posY, gun, ammo) {
      this.posX   = posX || 100 ;  
      this.posY   = posY || 0   ;
      this.speedX = 10    ;  this.speedY = 0        ;
      this.gun    = gun  || 'M16'   ;  
      this.ammo   = ammo || 100     ;
      this.alive  = true  ;
      return this;

This not a limitation, since even if you’re not pooling, handling undefined arguments :

  • Protect your function from calls to new() with a wrong number of arguments.
  • Ensures inner JS engine optimisations, since properties always have the same inner type (they never have the doomed ‘undefined’ value ).
  • It allows you to call the constructor with only the relevant parameters.

What you mustn’t do when pooling, though, is to add properties or methods on a created object, like with :

myBadGuy.isSmiling = true;

This, again,  is not a limitation, since late object change is a bad practice : it breaks inner optimisations of the JS engine (The JS engine creates a cached backing class for your object : this cache is broken if you change the object on the go).
– Simple solution for this : pour all the stuff you need in your object in the first place -.

So let us now create our pool :

BadGuy.pool = [];  // this one was hard.
(this code, as well as following code, has to be inserted
before the first object creation, but i don’t copy everything for clarity).

Now to get a new bad guy, we need another method that retrieves an object from the pool if one is available : pnew :

 BadGuy.pnew = function( posX, posY, gun, ammo) {
         var newGuy = null;
         // use the pool if object available... 
         if (this.pool.length >0) {
              newGuy = this.pool.pop();
          } else {
          // ... or create a new object if pool is empty.
              newGuy = new BadGuy();
         // initialize and return object.
         BadGuy.apply( newGuy, arguments );
         return newGuy;  

Use the pnew function like this :

var myBadGuy = BadGuy.pnew(100, 50, 'M4', 90);

Now, to dispose of the object, we also need a specific method that throws back the object on the pool : pdispose :

BadGuy.prototype.pdispose = function() {

Notice that this has to be set on the prototype (it is an instance we are disposing), while pnew is set on the creator function.
use the pdispose function like this :

if ( myBadGuy.health <= 0 ) {
     myBadGuy = null    ;

Notice that i set the myBadGuy var to null after disposal : this is to ensure we never reference twice the same object.
Here’s an example of what might occur if we do not pay attention :

var firstBadGuy = BadGuy.pnew(10); // get a guy, posX=10
firstBadGuy.pdispose();            // finally we don't need him...
                                   // ... but keep the reference..

var secondBadGuy = BadGuy.pnew(50); // get another guy posX=50 
                                    // It is taken from the 
                                    //  pool, and it is the latest
                                    // pushed, so === to firstGuy

// so now we have two references to the same object.
// if we do :
firstBadGuy.posX = 200 ; 
// we have for the second guy :
console.log( secondBadGuy.posX ); // --> output is 200, not 50 !!!

The issues that might be caused by multiple references might be a nightmare to detect and debug : each time you call pdispose(), ensure you don’t hold any reference to the disposed object.

So now, you must change all your new() calls to pnew(), and whenever an object is no longer in use, you must take care of pdisposing it and clearing any reference to it.

and then …

HURRA !!!!

At this point we have our pooling system, and the ugly garbage collector is defeated !!

or is he ?

Not quite, i am afraid : we have two concerns left.

Issue 1 : We still create some garbage.

When using push() and pop(), we do allocate/disallocate memory, so we still feed the monster with some crumb, so let us use an always-growing stack by handling the lenght separatly.  You’ll see how in the final code.

Issue 2 : what about re-use ?

We obviously need a way to avoid re-writing the same code for each pooled class.
Let us define a setupPool function on the prototype of the Function object, so that all functions call get pooled easily.

Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype,'setupPool', { value : setupPool });

function setupPool(initialPoolSize) {
	if (!initialPoolSize || !isFinite(initialPoolSize)) throw('setupPool takes a size > 0 as argument.');
    this.pool                = []          ;
    this.poolSize            = 0           ;
    this.pnew                = pnew        ;
    Object.defineProperty(this.prototype, 'pdispose', { value : pdispose } ) ; 
    // pre-fill the pool.
    while (initialPoolSize-- >0) { (new this()).pdispose(); }

function  pnew () {
    var pnewObj  = null     ; 
    if (this.poolSize !== 0 ) {              
// the pool contains objects : grab one
           this.poolSize--  ;
           pnewObj = this.pool[this.poolSize];
           this.pool[this.poolSize] = null   ; 
    } else {
// the pool is empty : create new object
           pnewObj = new this() ;             
    this.apply(pnewObj, arguments);           // initialize object
    return pnewObj;

function pdispose() {
    var thisCttr = this.constructor  ;
    if (this.dispose) this.dispose() ; // Call dispose if defined
    // throw the object back in the pool
    thisCttr.pool[thisCttr.poolSize++] = this ;   

A few comments on this code :

  1. As told earlier, i use an always-growing array/stack, so i handle its length separately in a poolSize property.
  2. I added here the possibility to pre-fill the pool, so no object creation occurs even within the first seconds of the game.
  3. I set, within the pool, to null the reference of the object we just grabbed to allow recollection in case it is not pdisposed afterwise, and just goes out of scope.
  4. In case you have some disposal work to do, just set a dispose() method on your object, it will get called when pdispose is called. One reason to do so might be that the object’s properties themselves are pooled.
  5. You might want to detect if you forget to pdispose some objects by counting all calls to pnew and to pdispose. At any moment you should have :
    activeObjectsCount == pnewCount  – (pdisposedCount – initialPoolSize)

Use setupPool like this :

// to create an instance :
  var myBadGuy = BadGuy.pnew(20,... );
// to dispose of it :

Reminder : the constructor function must handle undefined parameters and fully initialize the object.

So now victory is complete and all this was a very nice fight. Thank you for reading.

No ! Come On ! We want to know about the performance boost !

Ho, yes.


In fact this quite difficult to build a test that reflect an actual game sequence, where many object of different sizes have very different lifespan, and where ‘standard’ object ({}, [], strings, closures, functions, …) might be forgotten as garbage all along the way by many not-so-efficient game frameworks.
Another thing is that the performance measure won’t show us for how long the garbage collector froze the JS code during the tests. But i watched on FF/Chrome and we can see that garbage collection occurs often without pooling, and never when pooling (as expected).

Anyway i built a test in JSPerf that reflects *somehow* the performance gain you can expect from pooling.

So i consider that we have 4 different pooled objects, with different memory footprint (more realistic), and a given number of active object that i select randomly within those 4 classes.
We’ll create/dispose of them using three methods :

  • standard way : using new / relying on garbage collection.
  • using an empty-at-first pool.
  • using an pre-filled pool.

You can see the test and experiment by yourself at http://jsperf.com/pooling-test/6

I took 100 active objects, and 50000 of them will be created/disposed randomly.

Here is a screenshot of the results for :
Win8 Chrome / mac OS FF / win 8 IE10 / ipad Safari / mac OS Safari :

pooled vs non-pooled performance
pooled vs non-pooled performance

We can see that :

pre-filling the pool helps either a little or not at all.
Chrome sees a near X2 boost.
Firefox manages poorly memory, bust can be as fast as Chrome if helped : X5 boost.
IE10 gets a X3.3 boost.
The ipad appreciates the pre-fill, and gets a X2 boost.
Safari on mac OS, also enjoys pre-fill X2 boost.

Let me know if you experiment pooling in your game : i especially think here of games using intensively vector computation, where the speed boost should be tremendous.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article, and i wish you a good game.

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Variable width lines in html5 canvas

varLineRoundedHi to all,

A quite simple topic today : how to draw a line that has a variable width, one that would look like one of those lines :


example of a line with variable width


example of rounded line with variable width

Those lines can be used to give more strength to a cartoonish drawing, or to draw more interesting lazer shoots, for instance.

1) Let us first look at the non-rounded case :

In fact drawing such a line is quite easy once we realize that what we need to draw is not a line : in fact it is a polygon.
If the line segment we want to draw is AB, the situation looks like this :


What we want to draw in fact is the A1,A2,B2,B1 polygon.

If we call N the normal vector (drawn on the scheme), and w1 and w2 the width in A and B respectively, we will have :
A1 = A + N * w1/2
A2 = A – N * w1/2
B1 = B + N * w2/2
B2 = B – N * w2/2

So how do we find this normal vector N ?
Maths says that if (x,y) defines a vector V , its normal vector coordinates are (-y, x).
N, the vector normal to AB will hence have ( – ( yB – yA ) ,  ( xB – xA ) ) as coordinates.
But there is an annoying thing about this vector : it depends on AB length, which is not
what we want : we need to normalize this vector, i.e. have it to a standard length of 1, so when we later multiply this vector by w1/2, we get the right length vector added.

Vector normalisation is done by dividing the x and y of the vector by the vector length.
Since the length is found using phytagore’s theorem, that makes 2 squares, one square root, and finally 2 divides to find the normalized vector N :

  // computing the normalized vector normal to AB
  length = Math.sqrt( sq (xB-xA) + sq (yB - yA) ) ;
  Nx     =  -  (yB - yA) / length ;
  Ny     =     (xB - xA) / length ;

So now that we can compute the four points, let us link them by a poly-line, and fill the resulting shape : here comes our variable width segment !

Here is the javascript code :

// varLine : draws a line from A(x1,y1) to B(x2,y2)
// that starts with a w1 width and ends with a w2 width.
// relies on fillStyle for its color.
// ctx is a valid canvas's context2d.
function varLine(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, w1, w2) {
    var dx = (x2 - x1);
    var dy = (y2 - y1);
    w1 /= 2;  w2 /= 2; // we only use w1/2 and w2/2 for computations.
    // length of the AB vector
    var length = Math.sqrt(sq(dx) + sq(dy));
    if (!length) return; // exit if zero length
    dx /= length ;    dy /= length ;
    var shiftx = - dy * w1   // compute AA1 vector's x
    var shifty =   dx * w1   // compute AA1 vector's y
    ctx.moveTo(x1 + shiftx, y1 + shifty);
    ctx.lineTo(x1 - shiftx, y1 - shifty); // draw A1A2
    shiftx =  - dy * w2 ;   // compute BB1 vector's x
    shifty =    dx * w2 ;   // compute BB1 vector's y
    ctx.lineTo(x2 - shiftx, y2 - shifty); // draw A2B1
    ctx.lineTo(x2 + shiftx, y2 + shifty); // draw B1B2
    ctx.closePath(); // draw B2A1

So let us see the result on a small example : drawing variable width segments within a circle with nice hsl colors :

Little sample of some variable width segments.

Little sample of some variable width segments.

2) Let us round things up.

We might want some round ending for our lines, ones just like the canvas allows us to draw by changing the line joins :

So now the scheme looks like this :


It is almost the same case as before, except that we’ll have to draw a half-circle from A1 to A2, and from B2 to B1.
To draw a circle in a canvas, you have to use arc. If you look how it works, you’ll see that it expects a start angle, and an end angle.
The start angle will be the angle between AA1 and the horizontal line, computed using the Math.atan2 function :

  var angle = Math.atan2( yA1 - yA, xA1 - xA);

Notice that javascript’s atan2 expects the y as the first argument, and x as the second.
The end angle is just the opposite of the start angle : it is equal to the start angle + PI.

So the javascript code is :

// varLineRounded : draws a line from A(x1,y1) to B(x2,y2)
// that starts with a w1 width and ends with a w2 width.
// relies on fillStyle for its color.
// ctx is a valid canvas's context2d.
function varLineRounded(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, w1, w2) {
    var dx = (x2 - x1),  shiftx = 0;
    var dy = (y2 - y1),  shifty = 0;
    w1 /= 2;   w2 /= 2; // we only use w1/2 and w2/2 for computations.    
    // length of the AB vector
    var length = Math.sqrt(sq(dx) + sq(dy));
    if (!length) return; // exit if zero length
    dx /= length ;    dy /= length ;
    shiftx = - dy * w1 ;  // compute AA1 vector's x
    shifty =   dx * w1 ;  // compute AA1 vector's y
    var angle = Math.atan2(shifty, shiftx);
    ctx.moveTo(x1 + shiftx, y1 + shifty);
    ctx.arc(x1,y1, w1, angle, angle+Math.PI); // draw A1A2
    shiftx =  - dy * w2 ;  // compute BB1 vector's x
    shifty =    dx * w2 ;  // compute BB1 vector's y
    ctx.lineTo(x2 - shiftx, y2 - shifty); // draw A2B1
    ctx.arc(x2,y2, w2, angle+Math.PI, angle); // draw A1A2    
    ctx.closePath(); // draw B2A1

Here’s another circle filled with rounded segments :


In fact i added some other functions to the canvas, i made a github containing all those helpfull functions that you might find here :


So that’s all, happy coding to you !

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Introducing JSparkle, a versatile and fast Javascript Particle engine.


Explosions, fire, snow, blood, dust, shining stars, bonuses… particles are a handy tool to add nice effects to your games.
Every game object that is loosely related to the game logic (– eye candy –) should be handled as particle, since it allows to have very light weight objects, and it allows the game engine to focus on its real tasks.

Fireworks demo

The fireworks demo, running smoothly with 1800 particles.

JSparkle is a Particle engine that is quite simple to use : define what is a particle -it is a standard Javascript class  – what are its properties, how does it update, draw, and spawn – and then you’ll have access to some handy functions to spawn / autoSpawn / emit particles,  and also to test and monitor your engine.

JSparkle is fast, since the update phase does take very little time, and there’s nothing we can do to get the draw phase to run faster on an html5 canvas. It does not create garbage, since it uses a fixed loop buffer that allocates all particle on engine creation. Another few tricks here and there made the update time fell below 5% of the draw time on my computer.

I won’t go into a full review here of the engine and its features -it was quite an effort allready to have it work fast, commented, with a few (hopefully) clear examples… dig into the code (maybe only to read the methods comments) if you wish to know more.

The gitHub with the library and a few demos is here :


You’ll find some help if you want to create your own engine in the readme.txt, but maybe the fastest way to understand is to look at an example -bubbles being the most simple-. Feel free to play with the engine, and tell me what you think.

I’d be happy to include your examples, i’m sure some of you have cool graphical ideas that would just rock with JSparkle.

I post here a few screenshots and links to the demo. Obviously, the screenshots are … well… quite still 🙂 so watch the demos to know hat it’s like 🙂 .


Latest example is Fire. move your mouse !  :




Bubbles is a very-simple-on-purpose example where balls just bounce on the borders on the screen. It spawns once all particles on engine start.



Quite some bubbles.

StarField is what we would expect :



Starfield with 500 particles.

Here’s another starfield : http://gamealchemist.co.nf/Particles/StarField2/StarField2Demo.html?800
mouse your mouse around to change the stars direction.


Fireworks is the most amazing to date, be sure to click here and there to make your
own fireworks !!
Fireworks uses an auto-spawn, and spawn also on a mouse click.



(in this last screenshot we see the debug panel, that show the time and the current buffer use).

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Pooling with init : let’s throw ImpactJs classes in the pool.


I explained a few times ago a quite simple way of recycling the objects created with true Javscript classes. (here).
Still there are other classes scheme, and impact -and probably other framework as well-, uses a variant of John Resig’s inheritance scheme (here).
Thoses classes rely on an init() member, that will be in charge of … -you guessed- initializing the object.
I’ll explain here this scheme, and then apply the Pooling strategy to those objects.

( You can find the pooling code here :
https://github.com/gamealchemist/Javascript-Pooling  )

How does those classes using the init() pattern work ?

Impact classes are all inherited from a base class, ‘Class’, using extend.

   ig.Entity = ig.Class.extend({
	pos : {x: 0, y:0}     ,      // property
	id  : 0  ,                   // property
        init   : function (x,y,settings) {
                             this.pos.x = x;
        update : function() { 
                             this.pos.x += ....  
                             this.pos.y += ...

	id: 0,
	settings: {},

	offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
      } );

Extend must be provided with an object,  which will be used to add properties and methods to the original Class.
All the properties and methods will be set on the protoype of the new Class (which is, in fact, a function as you know).
Then, when you create an object using  new (), it will be the constructor’s responsability to copy the properties of the prototype into the new object. This copy is required because otherwise, if we take the Entity example, all entities would share the same pos / velocity / … which would probably lead to a boring game.
It is important to notice that all objects do not get copied : look at copy() (Impact.js, line 125) and you’ll see that HTMLElement or ig.Class properties won’t be copied. So they are shared amongst all instances. That is why you cannot set the animations in the extend object : each Entity needs its own animation.
But how to create those per-instance objects  ?  You do not have any control other the constructor function (handled by the class system), and obviously the object provided to extend the Class doesn’t know anything about the ‘this’ of the objects you’ll later instanciate…
That’s when the init() comes into play : it is called at the end of the constructor, and allows you to perform an initialization on the new instance, for all properties that needs their own instance of an ig.Class ( ex : animation), or a specific new value (x,y).

How could we recycle such objects ?

Since -to state things in a simple way-, it is now init() which initialising just like the constructor function does it for true js classes. So, to pool those classes, we just have to call init instead of the constructor to have the object as clean as new when we retrieve it from the pool.

The constraints we had on the constructor function for true js classes to work with pooling now apply on the init() function :
– init should accept any number of arguments (including none).
– at the end of an init EVERY properties should be set either to its default value OR to a value provided in the arguments of init.
So if you plan on using pooling with a Class, you must do a quick review of all properties you are using in your code, an reset or set them to the provided values in the init().

       init (x,y,settings) {
           x = (!x) : x : 0;
           y = (!y) : x : 0;
           this.bananaCount = ( settings && settings.bananaCount ) ?  
                                            settings.bananaCount : 0;
           this.eatenBananas = 0;
           this.bananaRobbers = [];
           this.bananaTracker = new BananaTracker(this.bananaCount);

Now you are sure that any call to init will set your object as shining as new.
Wait !

The goal of all this is to avoid garbage creation, and the init() above will create objects on each call : So any time you can, try to re-use the property objects of the previous life of your object as well :

       init (x,y,settings) {
           var noArgs = ( arguments.length == 0 );
           x = (!x) : x : 0;
           y = (!y) : x : 0;
  this.bananaCount = ( settings && settings.bananaCount ) ?  
                                    settings.bananaCount : 0;
           this.eatenBananas = 0;
           if (this.bananaRobbers) { 
                     } else { 
                this.bananaRobbers = []; 
           if (this.bananaTracker)  {
               // reset the bananaTracker in some way
           } else {
               this.bananaTracker = new bananaTracker(...);


Rq : there are too many cases for me to explain here, but remember that when allocating an object for the pool, init will be called with no arguments. Then later, it will be called with your arguments (and *maybe* this second call is also performed with no arguments), and then again and again init will be called on each reuse. So think well about the best way to allocate the properties that uses objects. Do most work while initializing the pool if possible, and try to reset the properties in a fast and clean way.

Rq : you might use pooled object in the properties of your pooled object. It might be pooled ig.Classes or pooled true js classes. Just watch out for their disposal.

Another thing to keep in mind when using a Framework : the Framework might change some properties for you, properties that you should reset in the init.
Expl : For the Entity class, calling kill() will make this._killed to true, and make the object collides with nothing. So you have to unkill the object and restore its default collision settings…
OR … inject the framework to have it doing this for you, which i explain later.

Show us some code !!

Ok let us see the code for pooling Impact Classes :

    // always take the latest version from gitHub, do not copy paste this code.

    var Initpnew     = function() {
    var pnewObj  = null     ; 
    if (this.poolSize>0 ) {
           // the pool contains objects -> grab one
           this.poolSize--  ;
           var  pnewObj = this.pool[this.poolSize];
           this.pool[this.poolSize] = null   ; // **

    } else {
          // the pool is empty -> create new object
          pnewObj = new this();    
     if (pnewObj.init) {
    	                  pnewObj.init.apply(pnewObj, arguments); };
           return pnewObj;

var Initpdispose   = function() {
    var thisCttr = this.constructor             ;
    // throw the object back in the pool 
    thisCttr.pool[thisCttr.poolSize++] = this ;

ga.setupInitPool  =  function(func, initialPoolSize) {
   if (!initialPoolSize || !((+initialPoolSize) !== initialPoolSize )) throw('setupPool takes a size > 0 as argument.'); 
    func.pool                = []                 ;
    func.poolSize            = 0                  ;
    func.pnew                = Initpnew           ;
    func.builtCount          = initialPoolSize    ;
    func.prototype.pdispose  = Initpdispose       ; 
    // pre-fill the pool.
       for (var i=0; i<initialPoolSize; i++) {
                var newObj = (new func());

How to use ?

1. Ensure the init performs a full initialisation of *all*
your object’s property, even when called with no arguments.
2. pool the class :


3. Instead of the new operator, use pnew :


4. don’t forget to pdispose() instances that you won’t use any more. :


!!! Do not keep any pointer to a disposed entity. !!!

Helper for Entity classes.

Impact can handle the creation and disposal for you : if you use the standard function spawnEntity and entity.kill(), you might just as well have them handle the pooling. And while we are here, we can also have spawnEntity to restore some default values for you : _killed and the collisions settings.
I wrote a small function that injects the pooling for the Entities, so to have pooled entities, just write (in main.js for instance, where you must ‘requires’ your entities and also gaPooling.js ) :

EntityMonkey.setupInitPool (20); 
EntityBadGorilla.setupInitPool( 50);

And that’s all !
Take care of setting YOUR properties in the inits, use only the standard spawnEntity and kill functions with them (not ‘new’), and your monkeys and gorillas will swim in your pool.

Are you sure this can be usefull ?

Well, for, say, the hero entity -used only once-, i guess not. For monsters, it will depend on their number and spawning rate. For bullets, it should pretty much always useful.

You can see in my other article on Pooling some performance counter : they measure in fact a mix of the creation time and garbage collection time.
Since Javascript does not allow to know the memory use or when it performs a garbage collection, it is difficult to be accurate.
But i had this other idea : what about looking at the memory usage (in Chrome / Timeline), and measure the Garbage Collection rate by hand ? After all we know a G.C. occured when memory usage suddenly drops.
So i made a quick demo throwing quite a lot of bullets (100/s) and measured ‘by hand’ the number of G.C. performed.
As you can see, there are 0.26 GC/second with no Pooling, and 0.04 GC/second with pooling, so we have a X6 improvement. !!
We can see also that the pooled memory usage stays 2/3 MB or so below the non-pooled usage.

Memory usage when not pooling / pooling.

Memory usage when not pooling / pooling.

Let me know if you happen to use all this in your game (and are happy with it !).

Happy coding.

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Let’s get those Javascript Arrays to work fast


So now let us watch how to handle Javascript arrays with performances in mind.

The array object is indeed very powerful, but you need to handle it with care since some quite innocent feature can be have a high time and/or garbage creation cost.

I’ll show here a few simple techniques that avoids those costs.
The performance benefits can be very high (more than 10X) for some features, so all this is worth a look.

( I also wrote some tips to write faster Javascript : check the blog post here :  Writing efficient Javascript : A few tips  )

1. Stating the obvious : [] is better than {}

Any time you can, avoid using an {} object to store data/perform computations/…
It is quite likely that you can use an integer instead of string to identify your data.
You might have to use another integer ->string array to do so, but it’s worth the performance gains.

2. [ integer ] is better then [ something else ]

In the same manner, prefer to use arrays of integers : arrays where *all* ‘slots’ of the array are filled with integers. In such a situation, most javascript engine will recognize that they are dealing with an array of integer and perform much faster.

3. Do not loop backward within an array.

You might know this way to iterate through an array :

  var i = myArray.length;
  while ( i-- ) {
     ... process myArray[i] ...

Which makes you avoid an extra test (compared to the standard for loop).
But you know what ? this will be much slower than using the right order.
Because all CPU caches in the world expect the processing to be ‘straight’, you will have cache misses again and again, and a 2X slow down is what you’ll get when you are lucky.

So do not loop backward unless you have very good reasons to do so.

Notice that even lastIndexOf is be faster when straight, like this :

  function lastIndexOf ( arr, value ) {
     var i=0, len=arr.length, ind = -1;
     while (i != len) {
         if (arr[i] == value) { ind=i ; }
     return ind;

Depending on array size, and value distribution ( == ? will we find a few or a lot of matches) ?, this one might be way faster in fact.


4. Do not change again and again the array’s size

One important thing to notice, that is hidden by the simplicity of push(), pop(), among others, is that any time you change the size of an array it might lead to memory allocation and/or memory fragmentation and/or memory copy.
Exemple :

// let us allocate 3 arrays : 
var A = [5,6], B = [1,2,3], C = [ 1, 2, 4 ];   
// let's push a value on B :
B.push (1);  
// let's pop a value on C : 


those 3 lines of code will be handled like this :


    Just on this very simple example : 1 push, 1 pop,  we are doing much more memory activity than we should : 3 memory allocation, 3 memory dis-allocation, 8 values copy (!). You have to imagine the case where you are using array of arrays, altogether with a lot of smaller objects, when such issue will become very important.

==> Push and pop are not constant time operations, but are taking a time proportional to the array’s length ( O(n) ), and memory fragmentation.

( Maybe the term ‘list’ used in other languages, is less misleading on that regard. )

Rq : Changing the length of the array directly :

myArray.length = 12 ;

might have exactly the same performance impact.

==>> Operate on fixed sized arrays whenever possible.

==>> Using over-sized array is way better than changing often the size.

To use an over-sized array, just handle its used length separately :

var B = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ;    // allocated array of length 5.
var BLength = 0 ;
// to do a 'push', do 
B[ BLength++ ] = 1;
// to do a 'pop' :
var last = B[ --BLength  ] ;

Those two operation required 1 read, 1 write, 2 add.
No memory allocation, no copy : even if you add boundary checks for the pop operation, performances just can’t compare to the not-so-complex scenario exposed above.

5. Remarks on performance measures

If you happen to test performances for various cases, take great care.
Some remarks about jsperf specifically :
– In javascript, no-one knows when a garbage collector will happen, so it might even happen ‘later’,  when it is no longer the test that created garbage that is running. Yet,  with the high number of loops performed this effect seems not too important.
– But worse : no memory is allocated before the test starts, so if we test with just one array, the memory management task is much much simpler than in real-life applications, and proves nothing : let us see an example with push/pop :

// jsperf Case : only one array in memory :
var A = [ 0,0,0,0 ];
//    memory = AAAA 
A.push(XX) ;
//   memory = AAAAA : the memory management just had 
//                  to reclaim one more item.
var val = A.pop();
//    memory = AAAAA  (just reduce the size)

No disallocation / re-allocation / copy will never happen with a single array test, and all operations are simpler : far too simple.
I noticed that when testing pooling objects within an array with only one type of object : even IE was faster at handling memory than Chrome (!), and pooling was useless on any browser. Then i just used 3 arrays of 3 differently sized object, which is a not so complex situation. The performances of IE went down in the deep sea, and all browsers had a hard time to get their memory straight : by avoiding memory allocation/fragmentation, pooling showed impressive improvements. But the single-object test case was just too simple.
The real-life case are way harder on the garbage collector, as you can see in paragraph 4.

Conclusion : When it comes to memory issues, expect the real performance improvements to be in fact higher than the jsperf result.

6. pre-allocate your arrays whenever you can.

In case you want to fill an array with some values, allocate the needed memory at once by using the Array constructor :

 var n = 1000;
 var myArray = new Array(n); 
 var i=0;
 while (i<n) { myArray[i] =0; i++; }

This way of proceeding is ***10 times**** faster then a push() loop. …

I was surprised by the fact that pre-allocating the array like this :

 var myArray   = [];
 myArray[n-1]  = 0 ;

was not a good idea for performance. My guess is that an array filled by both undefined
(all the n-1 first items) and integer cannot be treated internally as an integer array.

On the other hand, when using the Array constructor (new Array(length)), Firefox and Chrome at least seems to be able to optimize internally the array without problems, so keep this in mind whenever you allready know the size your array will have.

6. write your own, push, pop, unshift, splice (among others).

All those nice features are to be avoided if you need performance : because they are functions : you pay the price of a call, so if you can inline, do it.
And also because often you know something about your array the function doesn’t (expl : all items are >0 integers).
Splice is especially to be avoided, since it returns an array of removed items : slower, useless, and creating garbage.
So replace those functions by your own code, and even inline the smallest one : depending on functions, browsers and devices, the performance gain can be from 2X to 10X.

push :      myArray[myArray.length] = XX ;
pop  :      var last=myArray[myArray.length--] ;
unshift :
var unshiftArray = function (arr, item) {
                     var len=arr.length;
                     while (len) { arr[len] = arr[len-1]; len--}
                     arr[0] = item; };
         // this unshift is around 4 to 10 times faster 
         // than the original
         // (http://jsperf.com/array-unshift-vs-prepend/8)
shift : i couldn't beat the original function by hand (FF/Ch).
Splice :
// if you plan on just removing one item, this one 
//    will be way faster :
var spliceOne = function(arr, index) {
                         var len=arr.length;
                         if (!len) { return }
                         while (index<len) { 
                               arr[index] = arr[index+1]; index++ }
indexOf :
var indexOf = function(arr, item) {
                  for (var i=0, len=arr.length; i!=len ; i++) {
                       if (arr[i] === item) { return i }
                   return -1;
lastIndexOf :
var lastIndexOf = function(arr, item) {
                     var i=arr.length;
                     while (i--) { 
                           if (arr[i] === item) { break } }
                           return i;
                   }; // ... or the paragraph 3 version...

There are many functions that deals with arrays, as you can see here :

There are even more functions that can use arrays, since any function that takes an arbitrary number of arguments can be used with an array :

expl with min :

  // to use Math.min on an array, write :
  val mim = Math.min.apply(Math, myArray);
  // since min is context-less you can even write :
  val mim = Math.min.apply(null, myArray);
  // caching Math.min wins some time on slower devices/browsers
  var minfunc = Math.min;
  // ... but anyway min is faster when done with 
  //                       a properly coded function... 
  // (http://jsperf.com/math-min-apply-vs-loop/3)

Be carefull about what are doing the arrays or array-friendly functions you use, and if you happen to use one very frequently in critical sections of your code, ask yourself if you cannot beat the javascript engine.
In quite some not-so-special cases you can.

Rq about shift/unshift : beware, those are always O(n) operations (meaning : each operation will take a time proportionnal to the number of the array length). Unless you really need to, you shouldn’t use them.  Rather build your own rotating array if you need such feature.

7. Could i never de-allocate my arrays ? Yes, you can !

A nice way to avoid allocation/disallocation issues is to handle a separate index,
and to handle its pseudo-length separately. Let us call this the ‘sLength’ (stackLength)
of the array.
The code could look like :

  var myStack = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
  var myStacksLength = 0;
  // to do a push :
  myStack[myStacksLenght++] = value; 
  // to do a pop :
  var val =  myStack[myStacksLength--]; // you might want to check 
                                       // myStacksLenght before...

So here, if you choose well the initial size, you have a stack with a
null memory cost for its whole life. If by any bad chance you lack space,
no special code is needed : the array will increase (with a memory cost), then
will stay in its new size. You might want to check at the end of one game the
highest stack length to avoid any such re-allocation during the game.

Rq for shift/unshift users : apply the same principle, with two indexes, to
avoid copy/reallocation. One index on the left, one on the right, both starting
at the middle of the array. Then you’ll be again in O(1) time. Better.
Don’t forget to re-center the indexes when they are ==.

If think you’ll easily figure out how to write min/max/indexOf/… such arrays, just use
the stackLength instead of the array length in the loops.

Rq about sLength.
You cannot add sLength as a property of your array  (myArray.sLength = 3; )
Because by doing so you’ll transform your Array ([]) into an Object ({}), since you’d do the same as writing myArray[‘sLength’]=3. Expect the performances to drop dramatically if
you do so.

8. Some last words about Typed Array.

In javascript, one thing that makes array slower is the fact that they are, as everything in javascript, untyped.
That’s why html5 invented the typed arrays, which are super fast since they are optimized for a given type of integer. I was very excited about that, but when benchmarking or watching other’s benchmark, i quickly saw that the performance gain was null : Firefox and Chrome at least allready recognize the arrays that are integer array, so no interest in the extra coding for comon cases.

An very interesting article is here :

But thoses arrays are worth a look : maybe you have special needs that they might fullfill.

If you often copy, the set() method allows to copy very fast, close from ten times faster than by hand.
( http://jsperf.com/typedarray-set-aliased-arrays ).

Another interest might be the ‘clamped’ array, that avoid you to test everything you write. Again a special case, but the gain might be interesting.

Last example : since you can set different views on the same buffer, you can test for some properties using one view, and do some other computation with another view.

Example : imagine you want to make a ‘tint’ effect on your canvas : if a point has a R,G,B above a given value, set the color to be brighter. Imagine also most pixels are black (0,0,0,0), so you can be much faster by testing that first : create a 32 bits view on the image to detect the black pixels at once.

Here’s how you’ll do it :

var tintMe = function( ctx, sizeX, sizeY) {  
    // let's retrieve the image :  
    var myGetImageData = ctx.getImageData(0,0, sizeX,sizeY);
    // get the image buffer
    var buff = myGetImageData.data.buffer;    
    // now here's a clamped byte view on it
    var sourceBuffer8     = new Uint8ClampedArray(buff);  
    // now an int32 view on it.
    var sourceBuffer32     = new Int32Array(buff);
    // this is a view pointing on the alpha part of each pixel
    var Alpha8  = new Uint8ClampedArray(buff, 0, 4); 
    // Alpha8[j] = alpha component of j-th pixel.

    var sum = 0; 
    // iterate through pixels :
    for (var i=0, j=0, len= sourceBuffer32.length ; 
                                 i!= len ; 
                                          i++, j+=4) {
        if (sourceBuffer32[i]) {  // process non-null pixels
            // sum R + G + B 
            sum = sourceBuffer8[j] + 
                   sourceBuffer8[j+1] + 
                    sourceBuffer8[j+2] ;       
           if (sum > 300) { // bright enough ?
                            // -> make it brighter.                         sourceBuffer8[j] = sourceBuffer8[j]+10;                            sourceBuffer8[j+1] = sourceBuffer8[j+1]+10;
         sourceBuffer8[j+2] = sourceBuffer8[j+2]+10;
              // notice that no need to test for values <=255
              // since it is clamped
    // write updated image
    ctx.putImageData(myGetImageData, 0, 0);

you can test it here : http://jsbin.com/ugeloz/2

i didn’t take the time to benchmark it, but no doubt it will be incredibly faster.
Yet another great Javascript feature.

So that’s it, we’ve seen quite some pitfalls to avoid, now your arrays won’t stand in the way .

Don’t you feel better ?

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